Tara McPherson read bio | email

Steve Anderson read bio | email

Erik Loyer read bio | email

Craig Dietrich read bio | email

Raegan Kelly read bio
Editorial Board
Ruzena Bajcsy | UC-Berkeley |
John Seely Brown | former Chief Scientist, Xerox Corporation |
Sean Cubitt | The University of Melbourne |
Cathy Davidson | Duke University |
Heidi Figueroa | Universidad de Puerto Rico |
Ursula Anna Frohne | International University of Bremen |
Guy E. Garnett | University of Illinois |
David Theo Goldberg | UC-Irvine |
John Hartley | Queensland University of Technology, Australia |
Erkki Huhtamo | UCLA |
N. Katherine Hayles | UCLA |
Natalie Jeremijenko | NYU/UCSD |
Eduardo Kac | School of the Art Institute, Chicago |
Leah A. Lievrouw | UCLA |
Geert Lovink | Institute of Network Cultures, Amsterdam University |
Peter Lyman | UC-Berkeley |
Meaghan Morris | Lingnan University, Hong Kong |
Margaret Morse | UC-Santa Cruz |
Aihwa Ong | UC-Berkeley |
Jeffrey T. Schnapp | Stanford University |
Willem Velthoven | Mediamatic, Amsterdam |
Peter Weibel, ZKM | Centre for Art and Media, Karlsruhe, Germany |
Mark Williams | Dartmouth College |
Kathleen Woodward | U. of Washington |
USC Advisory Board
Anne Balsamo
Scott Fisher
Larry Gross
Mimi Ito
Marsha Kinder
Ulrich Neumann
Vibeke Sorensen