Evidence |
Excerpt from Evidence's Issue Introduction: "For as long as we have been thinking about, designing, and programming this inaugural issue of Vectors, a war has been taking place half way around the world." |
Mobility |
Excerpt from Mobility's Issue Introduction: "This issue explores the possibilities of mobile technologies (and mobile scholarship) while also illustrating that mobility is not equally available to everyone nor inherently a good thing." |
Ephemera |
Excerpt from Ephemera's Issue Introduction: "The voices that reach us via things that were meant to be forgotten may in fact speak most eloquently to the imperatives and contradictions of our present historical moment." |
Perception |
Excerpt from Perception's Issue Introduction: "The rubric of 'perception' offers a convenient throughline by which to weave together a number of fields, including geography, cognitive science, film studies, art history, philosophy, and the digital arts." |
Difference |
Excerpt from Difference's Issue Introduction: "Blue Velvet's' evocative explorations of the cityscapes of New Orleans both pre- and post-Katrina help us to understand that the seeds of the devastation wrought by Katrina were sown years before the storm touched ground." |
Memory |
Excerpt from Memory's Issue Introduction: "No matter how clearly etched this moment may become in her mind, it is not the event itself she will remember, but our retelling of it, inextricably woven with her own imagination and the narratives of anticipation, however fleeting, that allow us to keep looking forward as well as back." |
Current Projects - Current Issue |
Excerpt from Current Projects' Issue Introduction: "Vectors will also continue its commitment to publishing work that is subjected to rigorous, but mutable and multiple, forms of peer review, actively engaging questions of how best to ensure scholarly excellence in work that experiments with both form and content." |