Jim Carrey is an actor and comedian. "Today, Jim continues to make films, paint and sculpt, and lend a voice for various charities and causes through his
Better U Foundation."
"The image was stark in its defiance: A serene-faced monk raising an upturned alms bowl, indicating his brotherhood's refusal to accept offerings from Myanmar's military junta—a significant gesture in this tiny Buddhist country. This and subsequent images of the monk-led demonstration, quickly dubbed the Saffron Rebellion in September 2007, were beamed out to the world by an intrepid team of journalists working with
Democratic Voice of Burma (DVB), who put themselves at great personal risk to capture the events through their hidden cameras. The Saffron Rebellion of 2007 was brutally suppressed by the military junta in Myanmar."
Celebitchy writes: "I mentioned the other day in the Sylvester Stallone article that there's a lot of chaos going on in Myanmar right now—and it seems that a lot of celebrities are starting to talk about it. That's great, because whatever brings attention to a cause, no matter where it comes from, is a small step forward."
There has been significant
scholarly and
popular attention paid to the increasing role of celebrities in contemporary politics, media activism, and
public life.