Online Citations
Listed below are online sources cited.
"The Anatomy of a Large-Scale Hypertextual Web Search Engine," Sergey Brin and Lawrence Page
"Cinema Verite," Katherine Speller
Common Culture, Paul Willis
"Creative Democracy," John Dewey
"The Cult of the Amateur," Michiko Kakutani
"Culture Jamming: What Is It?" Abrupt
"Daily Media Use Among Children and Teens Up Dramatically From Five Years Ago," Kaiser Family Foundation News Release
Digital Youth Research Project's Final Report
"Everything About Video Blogging," Vic Carrara
F is for Phony: Fake Documentary and Truth's Undoing, Juhasz and Lerner
"The Faun," Joan Acocella
"Feminism and the Women's Film Movement"
"Final Cut Pro," Paul Grabowicz, Ellen Seidler, Tim Gnatek, Jeremy Rue
"Five Years of YouTube: The Ups, The Downs," Jared Newman
"The Founding and Manifesto of Futurism," F.T. Marinetti
"Fred: The Movie Lands on Nickelodeon," Brooks Barnes
"The Frequencies of Public Writing," John Hartley
"From Culture to Connection: Internet Community Studies," Alison Cavanagh
"Google Getting Desperate Trying to Monetize YouTube," Andy Beal
The Googlization of Everything, Siva Vaidhyanathan
"Guy Debord and the Situationists," Perry Marshall
"Home Dance: Mediacy and Aesthetics of the Self on YouTube," Kathrin Peters and Andrea Seier
"The Home Video Rises to Museum Grade," Roberta Smith
"How Can Some of Foucault's Ideas and Perspectives Be Usefully Applied to Mass Media in Society," Steven Green
"Introductory Guide to Critical Theory," Dino Felluga
"Is an Ethnographic Film a Filmic Ethnography," Jay Ruby
"Is the Internet Changing Social Life?" Tom Tyler
"Jean Renoir," James Leahy
"Knowing Glances: Visibility, Identity, and Power in Ubiquitous Computer Environments," David Phillips
"Listen to Me!" Virginia Heffernan
The Machine is Us/Ing Us — #90 — The Hundred Most Iconic Internet Videos," Kelly Reeves
"Making the 'A' List: How Popularity Pressures Your Teen," Gina Roberts-Grey
"Man With a Movie Camera Review," by Grant Tracey
"Master-Slave Relationship in Hegel's Dialectic," Muhammad Kamal
"Maya Deren," Wendy Haslen
"Media and Attention, Cognition and School Achievement," Marie Evans Schmidt and Elizabeth A. Vandewater
"Media Ethics Today," Brenna Coleman
"Media, Technology and Social Justice: How Do We Organize and Win? (Report)," the Center for International Media Action
"Montage Theory," Glen Johnson
The Narcissism Epidemic, J. Twenge and K. Campbell
"Neocolonialism — Bibliography"
"New Media in Late 20th-Century Art," Michael Rush
"Notes on Foucault M (1977) Discipline and Punish," Dave Harris
"Parody and the Postmodern"
"Post Post-Identity," Michael Millner
Protocol, Alexander Galloway
"Reading in the Ruins I," G. Peaker
"Rrriot Girls," STERNECK.NET
"Sarah Palin Comes Face to Face With Her Chief Tormentor, Tina Fey," David Byers
"Rethinking Michael Bremer," Michael Hirsch
"Semiotics for Beginners," Daniel Chandler
Serious Leisure, Robert Stebbins
"Society of the Spectacle," Guy Debord
"Some Characteristics of the Postmodern Dance," Richard Finkelstein
"Speak Out for Media Democracy,"
"Students' YouTube Channel Gives Voice to Diabetics," Temple University
"Ten Questions About Film Form," George Linden
"Theorizing Difference and Commonality: Gender, Sexuality, Race/Ethnicity, and Their Intersections," T.V. Reed
A Theory of Parody, Linda Hutcheon
"Toungues Untied," Alex Castro
Transgender Studies Reader, Susan Stryker
"trans men and butch women: a summary perspective," StudWithSwag
"University Study Indicated Desirable Video Content Trumps Video Production Quality," Scott, Jeremy
"The Value of the Unpopular," Jutta Treviranus
"Vernacular Video," Bruce Sterling
Video Vortex YouTube Reader, The Institute of Network Cultures
"Violence and Liberation in The Hour of the Furnaces," Paul Schroder
"Vocabularly for Media Ethics," T. Brislin
"Walter Benjamin's Arcades Project," Esther Leslie
Watching YouTube, Michael Strangelove
"What Makes Mainstream Media Mainstream," Noam Chomsky
"The YouTube Defense: Human rights go viral, " Andrew K. Woods
The YouTube Reader, Snickars and Vonderau
"YouTube's 50 Best Videos," Dan Fletcher