The Internet (and YouTube) is somewhere between an
archive and a
database (an organized collection of data for one or multiple uses).
Theorists of the archive discuss the authority and power of the archive (and archivist); its stake in finding and naming origins, producing history, and creating knowledge; and its (impossible) attempts for totality. Related questions are then raised about research and scholarship: "Can a new research library be all digital? How much does it cost a library to preserve a codex? What do large-scale text-digitizing projects mean for scholarship in the humanities?"
The Wikipedia game: "It works like this:
1. You're given a start Wikipedia article, like 'Banana'
2. And a winning article, like 'Britney Spears
3. Now click as few links as possible to get from 'Banana to 'Britney Spears,' as fast as you can!"