NOTES: Origins and Context | See Also
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Origins of this content
This video was made for a final research project that the class decided to develop in groups. Research had to occur about and on YouTube. This project was one of several videos created by the Blacks on YouTube group and posted by VannaBlack4u. The assignment included making several videos including a tour of their sources, and a final video.
There is a significant body of academic work on the representation of race in cyberspace. Artists, students and activists contribute to these conversations as well.

Racializing Cyberspace suggests: "While new media are indeed new in many ways, they too often fall into quite old patterns when dealing with issues of race and ethnicity. Biologists, social scientists and social movements have led us to understand race as a socially constructed process, rather than a natural fact, but racial categories, racist structures and racist representations remain very much alive." [cit]
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More videos related to the content of this page
"Blacks on YouTube pt 2," VannaBlack4u