"slogan" results 1 - 7

YouTube: Rise of the Celebrity Pranksters by Andrew Savage
... "Smile more" is the slogan of a prankster named Roman Antwood who has amassed over 6 million followers and almost 900 million total views ...

YouTube Tour #4: Bad Video: From Meaning to Feeling (February 27, 2008)
... They express ideas about the products of mainstream culture and do it in the music-driven, quickly-edited, glossy, slogan-like vernacular of music videos, commercials, and comics ...

... These videos express ideas about the products of dominant culture, in the music-driven, quickly-edited, glossy, slogan-like vernacular of music videos, commercials, and comics ...

Thoughts on Teaching on YouTube (April 28, 2008)
... I called them video slogans: pithy, precise, rousing calls to action or consumption, or action as consumption ...

The Resolution of MP:me (August 21, 2007)
... As was to be expected, the first videos shown recall the old "industrial" models (slogan-like media; pithy, precise, rousing calls to action or consumption, or action as consumption; bite-sized, word-sized, postage-sized cinema; strong, intense, interchangeable, and forgettable films; the stuff of YouTube) ... ... Therefore the Council of MP:me without waiting for my students to be assigned works and ignoring the latter's desire to realize their own projects, is temporarily disregarding authorship rights and resolves to immediately publish for general use the common principles and slogans of the future revolution-through-YouTube; for which purpose, first and foremost, femi-digi-practitioner (feminist digital practitioner) Alexandra Juhasz (MP:me) is directed, in accordance with the discipline of media praxis (an enduring, mutual, and building tradition that theorizes and creates the necessary conditions for media to play an integral role in cultural and individual transformation), to repurpose and "publish" online certain excerpts from her chapter "Documentary on YouTube: The Failure of the Direct Cinema of the Slogan" ( Re-Thinking Documentary, ed ... ... While many single videos, and single artistic media experiments, might in themselves be properly directed to the emancipation of the digital (which for the most part is reduced to a state of pitiable slavery, of subordination to the imperfections and the shortsightedness of the slogan of dominant corporate media: the simplistic selling of ideas so as to move people to fight or buy, no matter), YouTube's decided disinclination toward ongoing bonds is made manifest through a corporate, postmodern architecture founded on the transitory and evocative link ...

On Slogans (August 31, 2007)
... "It will be the art of the direct cinema of a slogan ... ... "– Sergei Eisenstein, "Our October, Beyond the Played and the Non-Played" This slogan written by eminent revolutionary filmmaker/theorist Sergei Eisenstein in 1928, is one of many I offer across this publication by way of incendiary introduction to my current thinking about YouTube ... ... Using said slogans—pithy quotes taken from longer works of media theory—I mark radical possibilities and responsibilities presented by the contemporary phenomena of documentary on YouTube, but as heralded by political media producers writing in the past about the radical possibilities for the various technologies of their distinct times and places ... ... Why is YouTube failing even as it is built on technical opportunities desired but unattainable for our sloganeers of the past?"The epoch of the direct materialization of a slogan takes over from the epoch of a slogan about material ... ... "– EisensteinI am convinced that certain critical components of the hundred-year project of media praxis are lost in YouTube's stellar realization of "the art of the direct cinema of the slogan ... ... " What couldn't Eisenstein foresee? For it seems both prescient and also naive of this distinguished communist to harken the slogan for his developing medium, cinema ... ... The slogan is a form that seems so much more apt for our use eighty-years later of contemporary technological developments, particularly as displayed on YouTube: cinema-via-the-Internet ... ... The slogan, in its several denotations, conceptually links activism and commerce—the simplistic selling of ideas to move people to fight or to buy, no matter—in a manner perfected by and definitive of our era, and in its definitive medium: the Internet ... ... The slogan—"a pithy, precise, rousing call to action or consumption, or action as consumption—seems a remarkably astute descriptor of at very least the form of YouTube media, especially in the slogan's dependence upon brevity and clarity ... ... I will briefly establish, through slogans, how Eisenstein's hopes for the slogan are structurally impossible given the architecture, ownership, and advertisements on YouTube ... ... On YouTube, our epoch of the slogan forecloses conversation, community, and complexity ... ... I ask you to think of the following slogans, penned by committed artists from long-past revolutions, times, and places, and then followed by my own slogan-responses, as a call to arms for how we might better muster today's technology to contribute to an ongoing project of improving the possibilities for presentation, interpretation, and abstract social evaluation, human interaction, perception, and epistemology through media praxis ...

MPme: Variant of a Manifesta (August 27, 2007)
... I proclaim the stuff of YouTube, all based on the slogan (pithy, precise, rousing calls to action or consumption—or action as consumption), to be leprous ...