Testbed for the Redlining Archives of California's Exclusionary Spaces
By David Theo Goldberg & Richard Marciano
Programming by Chien-Yi Hou

As the maps and accompanying materials make explicit, public and private mandates combined to code urban housing development and the basis of ensuing suburban formation in straightforwardly racially segregationist terms.
- David Theo Goldberg, Authors' Statement

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Video tutorial
Overview of the T-RACES demo site by project author Richard J Marciano |
This work was made possible with a generous grant from the Institute for Museum and Library Services: "T-RACES: Tesbed for the Redlining Archives of California's Exclusionary Spaces", IMLS Award No. LG-05-06-0158.The work could not have been completed without the commitment of a small group of extraordinary contributors: Suzy Beemer, Shane Depner, Jennifer Wilkens, and Khai Tang.
We are grateful also for the helpful input and advice from the project's advisory committee, including George Lipsitz (Professor at the Dept. of Black Studies, UC Santa Barbara -- glipsitz@blackstudies.ucsb.edu), Rosemarie McKeon (Web Developer / Editor with the Indigenous Mapping Network -- rose@indigenousmapping.net), and Jesus Hernandez (Dept. of Sociology, UC Davis -- jchernandez@ucdavis.edu).
— David Theo Goldberg, University of California Humanities Research Institute & Richard Marciano, SILS / University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, September 6th, 2008