shi jian: time

    By Mark Hansen
    Design by Raegan Kelly & Michelle Menzies
    Creative Database Direction by
    Michelle Menzies

    Open Project

    As we will see, everything will come down to the indirect or mediated relation between consciousness and technics, which is equally to say, to the payoff of the fundamental transformation of media we have just been exploring

    - Mark Hansen, Author's Statement

    Shi jian project screengrab.
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    Project Credits

    Mark Hansen
    A bio hasn't been entered for Mark Hansen.

    Raegan Kelly
    Designer Programmer
    Co-Creative Director and site designer for Vectors through the Difference issue (5), Raegan Kelly has worked as an interactive designer, programmer, cinematographer, and screen printer for the last 15 years. Raegan is leaving to focus her creative energies on a solo venture in innovative, functional and non- toxic material design. She has a BA from UC Berkeley and an MFA in Film from CalArts.

    Michelle Menzies
    Creative Database Direction
    Michelle is an artist who works with time-based media, particularly moving-image installation, video and photography. She is a doctoral candidate at the University of Chicago with research interests in film, poetry, critical theory and aesthetics. Her dissertation-in-progress, titled "Archives of Experience: Toward a Digital Aesthetics," argues a historical genealogy of movement for contemporary media aesthetics.

    Craig Dietrich |
    Database & XML Development
    Craig teams with scholars and designers on Vectors projects solving creative and information challenges, and creates tools for online art & humanities production. His recent collaborations include the Mukurtu Archive and Plateau People's Web Portal content manager based on Aboriginal cultural protocols, ThoughtMesh, a semantic online publishing system, the Dynamic Backend Generator, a MySQL-based relational data writing canvas, and an upcoming metadata server for artworks and artists. He is presently in production of Magic, a project documenting innovation in humanities-centered interactive media, and USA Today, a multimedia project focusing on trans-nationalism's consequences. Craig is an Assistant Professor of Cinema Practice at USC's Institute for Multimedia Literacy, part of the School of Cinematic Arts, where he teaches project design and creative hypertext. He is also further immersed in network art and culture as a researcher at the University of Maine's Still Water lab.