Dead Reckoning
Aerial Perception and the Social Construction of Targets
By Caren Kaplan
Design by Raegan Kelly

Credits & Acknowledgements


I would like to thank the editors of Vectors, Tara McPherson and Steve Anderson for giving me the
opportunity to begin to learn how to communicate my work in a new format. I am grateful to the Interactive
Media Lab and the Cinema School at USC,
administrators and staff, for the fellowship that
brought me into conversation with the contributors to
the first two issues of Vectors. I am also grateful to Erik Loyer for inspiration and assistance. My primary debt of thanks goes to Raegan Kelly. The terms "designer" and "programmer" do not begin to describe her abilities or the scope of her contribution to this piece. Our many long e-mails and phone conversations testify to the imaginative powers of distance and the collaborative potential of new media. I consider this piece as much hers as mine. I'd also like to thank Jenny Terry for saving my intellectual life at moments of great peril and for sharing so many incredible materials. Eric Smoodin, Inderpal Grewal, and Minoo Moallem aided and abetted my thinking, providing me with support of all kinds. Sofia Smoodin-Kaplan learned to click the mouse and to start to see what I could see and more.