Killer Entertainments
By Jennifer Terry
Design by Raegan Kelly


Killer Entertainments has been through many changes since I began conceptualizing it around 2002. The version presented here is part of a larger work that I intended to write as a book. After such a remarkable experience working with Raegan Kelly, I now dream of presenting the book in an interactive form, using visual and sonic material alongside text to contribute to scholarship about entertainment technologies and their relationship to contemporary manifestations of war.

There are some key people to thank for the important influences they have had on my thinking as I assembled this project. First is Raegan, a supremely intelligent designer if ever there was one, with whom it has been a great pleasure to work. I am grateful to Caren Kaplan for her scholarship and her friendship, both of which continue to help me to work through challenging intellectual problems and to have hope. I also want to thank I-Lien Tsay for her research assistance and Lara Deeb, Inderpal Grewal, Minoo Moallem, Karen Tongson, and Surina Khan for their insightful comments about the project. Thanks also to Steve Anderson and Tara McPherson for their generous invitation to be part of this volume. This project was made possible, in part, through assistance from the Annenberg Center for Communication at USC and the National Science Foundation (Human Dynamics Grant # II2-0527729 on Privacy, Identity and Technology).