Welcome to the remarkable arena of perceptual anomalies, a world of altered perceptions and deranged sensory experience. It's a territory where an ordinary face can transform into a monster right before your eyes. The people who inhabit this world see and hear things that most of us can't even imagine. Some say that these people are experiencing nothing more than vivid hallucinations. But are they? And even if that's all it is, why do they have these "hallucinations"? Is it a delirium caused by contemporary civilization, a man-made media culture that has mushroomed beyond all control?

Some experts see the unmistakable signs of decline and degeneration, a sort of de-evolution that will spread and ultimately leave us incapable of rational thought. Others maintain that our super-saturated mediated experience is guiding us to the next stage of human evolution, a stage that will eventually lead us to more universal forms of sensory perception -- even, possibly, to communication with extra-terrestrial beings. Finally, we'll look at a controversial theory that holds that all perception is simply a user interface to an ultimately unknowable reality that is built not out of matter, but of conscious experience itself. In this program, you'll be able to explore a number of so-called perceptual "disorders", each explained, demonstrated and interpreted by experts. So welcome ... to the strange, uncanny world of... Malperception.