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Cast-offs from the Golden Age
Melanie Swalwell, Erik Loyer
Excerpt from most recent thread:
"Are you running an up to date version of your browser (either Firefox, Internet Explorer or Safari)? 3."
- Melanie Swalwell, Victoria University of Wellington, 5.28.2006
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Jeffrey T. Schnapp
Excerpt from peer response:
"Combined, the book and website offer unparalleled breadth and depth of research on crowds that will likely remain the gold standard on this topic for some time to come."
- N Katherine Hayles, UCLA, Los Angeles, 4.20.2006
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Digital Dynamics Across Cultures
Kim Christen & Chris Cooney, Alessandro Ceglia
Excerpt from most recent thread:
"This change seems meant to parallel being in a vital environment, of passing over or returning to country or land."
- Meg Stalcup, UCB, 8.16.2006
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Hurricane Digital Memory Bank
Center for History and New Media
Excerpt from most recent thread:
"It is possible that HDMB will spawn a separate website that interprets the archive and encourages discussion, but HDMB is a collecting site first."
- Sheila Brennan, George Mason University, 5.17.2006
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Objects of Media Studies
Amelie Hastie, Raegan Kelly
Excerpt from most recent thread:
"Yet like a circle, the ever changing content keeps the viewer interested and eventually takes him/her full circle through the entire discussion, but is not so rigid as to make the user feel trapped in the project."
- Jess and Elissa, Los Angeles, 10.10.2007
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Panorama Ephemera
Rick Prelinger, Raegan Kelly
Excerpt from most recent thread:
"The second aspect of his project, where the most substance lies, is in the delineation of the four aspects of archiving ephemeral films."
- B N, Los Angeles, 10.10.2007
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Slavery's Ephemera
Judith Jackson Fossett, Erik Loyer
Excerpt from most recent thread:
"The initial page, a map/trail leading from Oaklawn to New Orleans, drew me into the texts and images."
- Vanessa Vobis, Santa Rosa, CA, 5.23.2006
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The Agrippa Files
Agrippa Files Editorial Team
Excerpt from peer response:
"Still, I am wondering if there had been more exciting and experimental strategies available to draw more people to the original Agrippa? I doubt this will do it."
- Huhtamo Erkki, UCLA, 4.20.2006
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