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Deborah Meadows will talk from "Lecture Notes on Icons and iconoclasts", a long essay in progress.  This selection will touch on a few areas including on Rosalind Kraus in 'Notes on the Index:  Seventies Art in America' approaches the divergence of 70s art such as Vito Acconci's video art, performance, earthworks, photorealism, and so forth where she employs Lacan's idea of the index, the remnant presence of a person, a fingerprint, a trace, a shadow as the recurring character manifested through difference.  She considers Marcel Duchamp's"infrathin" (the warmth left behind on a chair seat, etc.) as the domain of the index he actively worked, and further considers Large Glass an autobiographical work as well as Tu m' wherein his famed ready-mades cast shadows. Some reference to philosophers C. S. Peirce, Baudrillard, and art historian Hal Foster.

Power point images of various related works.

A version of this essay and a second part is now posted on Jacket Magazine online at: