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The two major movements in American poetry of the 1960s that would influence the poetry of the next decade were, without a doubt, Confessionalism and the Deep Image movement.  These two movements would have a deep and lasting impact on the young writers of the seventies and beyond.  The work of Charles Wright seems to show”"over the course of time”"a kind of hybridization of these two movements: in his later work in particular we see a penchant for both the importance of image, and a willingness to be "self-revelatory."   In his earlier work though (and for purposes of this study, I use the poems anthologized in Country Music his collected early poems) we see the particular influence of the Deep Image movement as well as the phrasing of the country music he listened to growing up and we see a blueprint for the metamorphosis of American poetry in that decade.

Works Cited

Bly, Robert.  Leaping Poetry.  New York: Beacon, 1975.

Breslin, Paul.  ""How to Read the New Contemporary Poem."  The American Scholar 47,3 (Summer 1978): 357-370.

Bushnell, Kevin.  "Leaping into the Unknown: The Poetics of Robert Bly's Deep Image."  Virginia Technical University English Department Website.  23 May 2008 <>.

Gray, Richard.  American Poetry of the Twentieth Century. New York: Longman, 1990.

Holden, Jonathan.  "American Poetry: 1970-1990."   A Profile of Twentieth Century American Poetry.  Jack Myers and David Wojahn, eds.  Carbondale: Southern Illinois UP, 1991.  254-274.

Jensen, Laura.  "Sleep in the Heat."  Bad Boats.  New York: Ecco Press, 1977.  13.

Mitchell, Roger.  "Modernism Comes to American Poetry."  A Profile of Twentieth Century American Poetry.  Jack Myers and David Wojahn, eds.  Carbondale: Southern Illinois UP, 1991.  25-53.

Orr, Gregory.  "Gathering the Bones Together."  Gathering the Bones Together.  New York: Harper & Row, 1975.  3-9.

Plumly, Stanley.  "Chapter and Verse (part two Image and Emblem)."  American Poetry Review 7,3 (May-June 1978): 21-33.

Wright, Charles.  Country Music: Selected Early Poems Second Edition.  Middletown: Wesleyan U Press, 1991.

- - -.  Quarter Notes.  Ann Arbor: U Michigan P, 1995.